I was working outside a pub trying to bring people in for a drink, and this kind of job- one has to be a wee bit drunk yourself, as you have to be happy and and a wee bit wild !
I used to go down to the pub a couple of hours before the streets got busy, have a drink with the boss and my co-workers, and get ourselves ready for another crazy night.
Then I saw her walking down the street and I thought to myself, I am going to get this one into the pub, but it was a lot harder than I thought
When I approached her, I said in Swedish “fina ben !” probably said it wrong, as she laughed.
Anyway, that didn’t do the trick, as she never game in- I think she ran away from this Scotsman !!!
Well, the next night, there she was again, but I noticed she was walking over on the next street, so I ran over there and tried again.
I don’t think she came into my pub, as she was going to this Swedish pub around the corner, but I did say to her- if she wanted, she could come back around 1 am, as that is when I finished and maybe we could go for a drink some where?.
I didn’t think she would come, but a little after 1 am, there she came around the corner on her moped and I jumped on the back and of we went- I can not remember where we went – but after that night we spend more time with each other, until she flew back to Sweden.
This was the first time I met Åsa, and I thought that I would never see her again & our time together in Greece was only a holiday romance.
When the season had finished, I went back home to Scotland to see my family , stayed for a little while and then headed down to London and worked there for 3 months & then returned to Kos ( Greece ) for my 2nd season & guess what ? I finally met up with Åsa again – I was working in a different pub, but she asked around for me and she found me.
But this time, things didn’t go too well, as while driving my moped, I crashed into a car and ended up in hospital with concussion and around 10 stiches in my head & my time with Åsa was cut short due to this accident and before I knew it, she was once again flying back to Sweden – and once again we said our goodbyes.
I stayed in Greece when the season was finished and started to work in a Greek pub for a few extra months and then instead of flying back home to Scotland, I booked a flight to Stockholm and stayed with a few friends I met in Kos, and then I phoned Åsa and told her I was in Sweden & she kindly sent me a train ticket so I could come to her and stay for a while and spend Xmas with her – and that’s when my love only grew stronger and stronger for this amazing Swede and I knew that I didn’t ever want to lose her again.
But after staying 3 months in Sweden, I had to leave, as I only had a 3 months visiting visa- and let me tell you, this was the hardest goodbye I have ever said & both of our hearts were broken.
So I left the love of my life in Sweden and I was heading back to Scotland to find a job, find an apartment and make all the necessary paperwork, so Åsa can come to Scotland and stay with me and continue our journey together – and who knows – maybe even get married !!!!