Well, I turned 65 years old this year- where did all these years go ?
Doesn’t seem so long ago that I moved to Sweden to start a new life with my new wife Åsa, but that was 32 years ago
I was wanting to retire this year, as I was turning 65 years old in Aug – but my Swedish pension was shit ! and my private pension was so little, and I couldn’t live this way.
So I decided to start a small company and go back out to work and work for another 2 years – then I will retire to a better pension and hopefully get all the jobs finished at home.
A lot of my friends have retired and living on good retirement money – but with me moving to Sweden – I was very late to start my private pension.
I am now 65 years old and I shouldn’t really be working, after what I have been through, but life can be so unfair sometimes – I don’t mind going back out to work, I feel I need to work and keep my heart on the go and my wee body in trim.
It’s been 3 years now since I went through my open heart operation and I feel great ! been doing a lot of walking and I started to go to the swimming pool.
I don’t feel like a pensionar and I also do not look like one – it’s certainly a strange feeling, but these years are certainly flying past us – scary stuff !
Plus talking about scary stuff – we are on a knife edge with World war 3 – that’s another story on my site – worth a read.