Well, I turned 65 years old this year- where did all these years go ?
The Ventroom
Let off some steam add met new friends. A couple of my friends have st
Still going strong
2 years today, I went through the worst time in my life. I spend 4 wee
No war in Ukraine
A3rd world war is on our doorsteps, after Russia invaded and started b
Welcome to my new blog / web site
Welcome to the personnel blog of William Alan Limerick, born in Bellsh
Operation ( Part 2 )
My operation was scheduled for tomorrow morning ( Monday Sept 27th 202
My heart ( Part 1 )
Just a normal day at work – renovating a bathroom in Lund, really happ
Our new wooden deck
2019, was one of the warmest summers I have ever had in Sweden- memori
My Dad and my Hero
The passing of my Dad this year (2021) was one of the hardest and sadd