Well good question, I have always wanted a place to put everything I have done and achieved in my life, so when I am not here anymore, my loved ones, family and friends, can come here and read my stories and take a look at old photo’s from the past.
When I talk with people and tell them what I have done and where I have been- they say ” How the hell did you achieve so much ? ” it’s simple !! I have always been a man with ambition and worked so hard for the simple things in life.
From being born in Scotland and moving to Sweden, wasn’t the easiest decision in my life, but it certainly was the best decision.

When I arrived in Sweden, I put my plans into action- learn the language, get a full time job, buy a house in the country and then start my own business- These plans were successfully achieved.

At this moment I am the owner and founder of “Limericks Kakel & Bygg AB”, a very successful building and tiling company and have had the company for 15 years – you can read more about it on the web site.

So with no further to do, welcome to me life and I hope you enjoy your stay.

Your journey has just began !


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